As many of you know, I just returned home from a trip to London. Before I left an interesting thing happened and I wanted to share the story of the universe and my own intuition taking care of me. I was all packed and ready to go at least a week before my scheduled flight. I’m a Virgo, so you know I’m a bit anal. I love London, from the first time I stepped foot on that beautiful land. I know I have lived there in many, many lifetimes. So, you can imagine how excited I was when the day came for me to go online to check into my flight. My flight wasn’t due to leave until Thursday at 6:30 pm but I woke up on Wednesday morning at 5:30 AM panicking about getting on the flight the next day. I woke up sick at my stomach and couldn’t go back to sleep because of my anxiety about the flight. My rampant, intuitive thoughts were that something was wrong with the plane. I did NOT want to get on that flight! After almost an hour of panic, I decided to ask for help. It always amazes me how human beings will mentally and physically struggle on their own to fix something when instead they could go to the being that created the heavens and the Earth for help. I decided that was a good thing for me to do. So, I sat up and I told God, “Listen, if something bad is going to happen to me, get me off that flight!” I made it clear to those that help guide me, that if I wasn’t suppose to be on that flight that they would take care of it for me. Instead of stressing about my fear, I turned it over to the higher power.
When it came time for me to check in on Wednesday night for the flight, I went to the Virgin Atlantic site. Instead of being able to check in, there was a banner above my information that stated, MY FLIGHT HAD BEEN CANCELLED! It stated they had rescheduled my flight for the next day on Friday. I didn’t like the time and the seats that were on that flight so I called in to change it. The ticket agent told me I was the nicest call she had gotten for two days. Everyone else yelled at her but I was thrilled to go on different flight. Perspective is EVERYTHING!
I took advantage of the extra day I had in LA. I went to a spa, got a massage, facial and a mani-pedi. IF I would have left on Thursday, I would have gone being exhausted as well as unpolished. Instead, I was able to board the plane relaxed and without fear.
I intuitively tuned in to what happened to the flight. It appeared that the panic I was feeling was because there had indeed been something wrong with the plane. In hindsight I believe I was also picking up on the panic the airline workers were having knowing they had to cancel the flight. There had been over 330 passengers going to London that day and all of them had to be rescheduled on another flight. I also just felt strongly I wasn’t supposed to leave that day because something didn’t feel right. After many years of working as an intuitive, I always trust my spidey-senses.
Throughout my life I had to learn what happens if you don’t trust your feelings in order to believe the inner knowing. Intuition is just that, an inner knowing. You don’t have to work as an intuitive to develop the skill. All you have to do is to trust that what you feel and know is true. There is no secret to discovering one’s intuition, there is just trusting. The difference between the masters and most of mankind is that the master knows that they know!
Mankind has a perfect BS meter…your body. Your stomach or your heart will tell you whenever what you are about to does not serve you. Your stomach will knot up and you will get a tightening of your chest. All one really needs to do to learn to trust your intuition is to pay attention. Pay attention when you get a sick feeling in your tummy when you are supposed to get on a plane the next day. Pay attention if your chest tightens when a partner tells you something that doesn’t feel right to you. Your gut is telling you not to do it and your chest is telling you the partner is lying. As Buddha says, “the fastest way to enlightenment is to pay attention!”
I am so proud of me for trusting. It really was a skill I had to develop but life has become so much easier since the only person I need to trust is me. I don’t have to trust that someone is telling me the truth; my heart tells me if they are.
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