How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m spiritual, not religious?” I may be arguing semantics but I want to clear up the meaning of the word spiritual. If you look up the term, “spiritual” in the dictionary it states,
“Of or relating to the spirit or soul, as distinguished from the physical nature”.
That means that every single being on this Earth plane is spiritual. It doesn’t matter whether or not you get up to meditate every day or go to church every Sunday, you are a spiritual being! It means that religious people are just as spiritual as those that claim to be spiritual. Some spiritual people will say they are spiritual not religious with a judgmental tone as if being religious is a bad thing. It’s only bad if the individual religious person is bad. Those that believe in the sanctity and dogma of religion are no less spiritual than I am. I grew up in the Baptist church and I can tell you personally that there were good beings as well as bad beings in that church. I’ve also met good spiritual beings and bad spiritual beings. The churchgoers have just chosen to live their karma with that type of experience. I choose to live my karma with the experience of meditation, channeling, studying the Akashic records and speaking with spirit guides. I don’t believe those that claim to be spiritual should judge those that choose to seek God through their religion. I also don’t believe that those that claim to be Christian and seeking God through their religion have the right to judge those that are choosing another path to seek God. There is no right or wrong when it comes to trying to seek God. Or as Yoda would say, “There is no try, only do.”
Spiritual people or ones that identify with that identification have a tendency to make spirituality complicated. I’ve said for years that God is simple….mankind is complicated. With meditation, astrology, reading/healing chakras, working on the inner child among the many ways to be a seeker, it can become overwhelming to take the spiritual path. Someone once said, “Spiritual growth is messy.” I believe that God made seeking God easier than that. True spirituality is the truth of joy. Just choose to be happy, that’s the best spiritual path. Happy is available to everyone be they spiritual seekers or churchgoers.
A person that states out loud that they are a spiritual being is no more spiritual than those that have no clue they are on a spiritual path. If you’re breathing you are on a spiritual path. Even those that cause great physical, mental or spiritual harm to others are on a spiritual path. All of us come into a physical body for the soul purpose of emotional knowledge. We enter into a physical form to gain the wisdom we have forgotten. In other words, we come into a body to get back to exactly where we started, as a part of God. I know that seems a bit nuts but our divine purpose is to have emotional experiences for our creator. That is our truth. Once we have completed our tasks and have grown spiritually, no matter the choices as to how we do it, then we will return to God.
Being spiritual means that whether you are a serial killer or Mother Theresa you are on a spiritual path. It’s harder to comprehend the spiritual journey of a serial killer but they too are on a spiritual quest. It’s apparent when you watch a spiritual teacher like Matt Kahn that he is definitely on a specific type of spiritual adventure. However, most humans can’t fathom evil humans are also on a spiritual path. In my opinion, the evil ones have either so much to learn or so much to teach. Their souls decide to reincarnate in order to show the rest of the world how not to be. They clearly show us the emotional opposite of love. The evil among us are completely void of love. The extreme pain they have suffered and are suffering internally, completely blocks their ability to reach the love inside. Their universal purpose is to show us we can’t know who we are, until we know who we’re not. They are clearly symbolic of who we are NOT.
Your spirit made a choice before it entered the body of the spiritual experiences you needed to have in order to heal your karma. Healing your karma means returning to God. Enjoy your experience and let those that chose another type of experience enjoy as well. True spirituality is being the objective observer of others experiences, as well as your own. True spirituality is letting go of judgment of others and seeing the beauty in their experiences for God. We are all in this spiritual journey together no matter how you choose to experience it.
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