I wrote this post when I was in Nepal. I was looking through my old blog page and found it. I wanted to share it again. I thought it was still important today. So, let’s celebrate another “Overcome subconscious fear day”.
I have a question. How many of you waste time in your day? How many of you get to the end of your day and say, “What the hell did I accomplish today?” I do this at the end of every day. I never seem to be happy with what I get done. In order to help me with this, I started writing a list of things I done, after I’d done them. Instead of writing a list of all the things I wanted to get done, I just wrote it once I finished doing everything. That helped. It gave me peace to see how much I’d accomplished in a day.
I’ve been sitting at the coffee shop here in Boudnathe, Nepal, trying to do some writing. I sat down with the full intention of cranking out page after page of my new book. I wrote several pages and was really on a roll, typing as fast as my little fingers could type. I was doing really well, then all of a sudden I just had to go on Facebook to see what everyone was doing and thinking. Then I just had to go on Deadline Hollywood to see what was going on in the entertainment business. I stopped typing and started surfing. My subconscious mind somehow decided it was afraid for me to write and it started working overtime to keep me from doing it.
It did a really good job because I haven’t written a word in almost an hour and a half. Ugh. I thought I had overcome the fears of my subconscious and was gonna write like a madwoman my last week here. The last couple of days, I have written but not like I need to. Working on my book, is the reason I spend the last week in Boudnathe, I wanted to take the time to work on it as much as possible. Time is something I have a great deal of now. But, as soon as I return, making money will take precedence over writing. Writing will be in my spare time, in between my jobs. Now is the time.
The thing is, I know what my subconscious mind fears…sucking. I know my ego is so afraid I will write something that can be criticized. But, come on, I thought I had gotten over that crap. Guess not fully yet.
How about you? What ways do you sabotage? I believe the subconscious isn’t really sabotaging me, I believe it believes it is protecting me. For some reason, it thinks if I write, I will be in danger. It is afraid for others to read my words. In so many lifetimes, I have been persecuted for my spiritual beliefs. So, my subconscious mind believes it will happen again. I had a terrible time finishing my first book, because of these very reasons. I really thought this time would be easier, and with the exception of the last couple of days it has been.
So, lets all band together and overcome our subconscious fears. Today, whatever it is that you really desire to get done, just do it ! Don’t let anything stand in the way of you achieving your dreams. Today, is overcome your subconscious day. Let’s all laugh at the fears and just keep going ! Acknowledge that the fear is there, then love yourself out of it.
Subconscious you have no need to fear, I am here ! I’m gonna spend the next few minutes, telling my subconscious how grateful I am it is protecting me but I’m fine. I got this.
Happy overcome your subconscious fear day !!!
I wanted to add ten tools to help you to overcome your subconscious fears and accomplish your life goals. Whenever I feel myself slipping into subconscious protection, I use these tools to get me back on track. I also try to have loving kindness for myself when I’m NOT able to get things done. When I don’t have that loving kindness, I end up getting LESS done. The negative thoughts are cylical. I don’t get things done, hate myself, and that in turn causes me to not get things done. The only way to break the cycle is with loving kindness.
1. When you get out of bed in the morning put your feet on the floor, throw your hands in the air, and say, “Yes, I’m getting it done today”. Celebrate getting it done before you actually get it done.
2. Walk around your home in gratitude for everything you have. From the food in your fridge, to the bed where you slept, to water that you drink, be grateful for it all.
3. Do an exercise that works for you. Whether it be an intense hour of pilates, yoga, at the gym or simply walk around the block. Get your body moving if at all possible. ( I haven’t perfected this one yet, but working on it).
4. Read something that inspires you. Take 15 minutes to pick up a book from an inspirational writer and allow their words to sink into your soul.
5. Meditate. That needs no explanation. ( 5 to 10 minutes is sufficient) Connecting to something bigger than yourself will cleanse yourself of negativity to clear up your energy for the day.
6. Don’t Facebook, Twitter or Instagram before you accomplish something vital to your day. Make any phone calls you need to make, return emails or texts from the day before ( you need to get those off the plate for the current day). Be sure to achieve a daily goal before you spend time on something that won’t change your life.
7. When you catch yourself hyperventilating because you haven’t checked Facebook or Twitter yet today, and your fingers are uncontrollable drawn to log in, stop in that moment and ask yourself this question, ” Will what I’m doing right now change my life for the better? If it won’t, go back to what you were doing and GET IT DONE!
8. After finishing a task, write down what you have accomplished. By writing it down, you can then celebrate your accomplishment! Afterwards, take the time to celebrate it. Pat yourself on the back, get up out of your chair and do a happy dance, or stand up, throw your hands in the air, and say, “Yes!”
9. At the end of whatever you consider your work day, write down your list of accomplishments. Tell yourself “Bravo”, I’m amazing”.
10. At bed time spend a few moments in gratitude for the help others have given you in getting it done. Energetically recognize their participation in your life goals.
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