Walking away from a long-term negative relationship can be very difficult, but when faced with the prospect of walking away from your negative family it can feel almost impossible. When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was to run away from my dysfunctional family. They were crazy and abusive. I was trapped in hell. The very day I was old enough and had enough money to get away, I did. I couldn’t get my bags packed quick enough. My sanity depended on it. The older I got the more I realized that moving out was one of the smartest things I had ever done. I would not be as sane as I am today had I not been brave enough to leave. It took a great deal of courage to never speak to my family again, but it was an absolute necessity for my soul.

Humans often believe that no matter how abusive their family is to them, they have to stay in a relationship with them. Having the same blood flowing through your veins is not a strong enough reason to stay in an abusive family relationship. If your family is toxic, walking away is healthy. How much negative treatment must one take before it’s okay to excommunicate yourself?  Why should it be any different for family than it is for enemies?  Karma is karma.

Without a doubt family members give us the best opportunity for spiritual growth. Before you come into a body, you gather with your future parents to discuss how you are going to help each other grow. Believe it or not, the most difficult challenges within a family are chosen because your souls love each other so much that you are willing to suffer in order to advance your souls. In the afterlife souls realize how important it is to choose lives that advance their soul to the point they no longer need to inhabit a body. On the other side love is the reason for every choice. When you do not have a body you have no desire to seek revenge, no need to hate, you only desire to love and cherish each other. The reason to incarnate is to resolve unresolved emotions. The ostensibly bad things that happen to you as a child were all planned. It’s so hard to understand that fact while in a physical form because it sure doesn’t feel like love when our parents cause us harm. Without a body you understand that you want the difficulties so you have the opportunity to overcome them.

That being said if a family member consistently treats you badly there is no need to keep them in your life in order to grow. Growth often comes from walking away from a challenging relationship not necessarily by staying in one. If it were anyone else other than your birth family you wouldn’t tolerate it, so why should you allow a blood relative to disrespect you? You shouldn’t. You can continue to send that family member love without having them in your life. After you have settled the karma within yourself, then maybe, just maybe, if you still want one, you can have a relationship with them. Walking away now doesn’t mean it’s a permanent decision because with free will you can always make the choice to return.

In order to heal your internal wounds, you must love yourself enough to walk away from those family members that created the wounds. Whether they are cruel, threatening, or critical, family should not be allowed to mistreat those that they supposedly love. You don’t need their love you need your own.

So, if the physical, emotional or mental challenges from your family are harmful to your soul, just walk away. Once you return to spirit you will once again have the opportunity to understand their disheartening actions completely as well as your own. You will have the opportunity to heal through love.