Source: George Clooney on White Oscars, Hollywood Diversity | Variety
Since the Academy announced the nominees for their awards I have been debating whether or not I should blog about the controversy. After reading what George Clooney had to say, I decided it was time for me to put my two spiritual cents in.
Even though minorities in Hollywood rightfully believe they are being overlooked because of the color of their skin, that truth is just a symptom of the real disease, the lack of diversity in executives all over our country for minorities. Normal every day people are the ones that are really having trouble. Look at the political arena for example. How many Hispanics, Women, African American’s are there in Congress and the House? How about most major Corporations? How many CEO’s are female, Hispanic or African American. Here are the facts:
According to the Center for American women and politics: In 2015, 104 (76D, 28R) women hold seats in the United States Congress, comprising 19.4% of the 535 members; 20 women (20%) serve in the United States Senate, and 84 women (19.3%) serve in the United States House of Representatives. Four women delegates (3D, 1R) also represent American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands in the United States House of Representatives.
According to the Huffington post in Aug. 2015 women represented about 5 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs. Minorities represent approximately 4 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs. Therefore, only 9 percent of the biggest companies in the U.S. have CEOs who are not white men.
Those facts, my friends, are the real problem and have a much more profound effect on our world than the imbalance of minority nominees for an Academy award!
Didn’t we already go through this battle of equality decades ago? With the civil rights movement in the 1950’s as well as women’s suffrage in 1920, we hoped to solidify equality in our world, but we obviously didn’t. Here we are in 2016 and we are still battling our differences instead of embracing our similarities.
I can sympathize with all the minorities in Hollywood but the painful truth is that in our country we still do not embrace the fact that people are the same no matter the color of their skin, their sex or their sexual preferences. Unfortunately, in general the older white men that are leading (I use the term leading loosely) our country have an antiquated, prejudicial belief system. You can never change those antiquated beliefs, all you can do is change the antiquated people.
So, from a spiritual perspective, why is this still going on? On the Earth plane you continue to experience challenges until you heal the wound that is causing the challenge. You reincarnate in order to remember the true nature of love and you experience pain until you awaken to that fact. In this world the group consciousness has NOT learned that we are all the same! The color of the skin, the sexual orientation or our gender does not keep the soul from experiencing pain. We are simply all here to gain emotional knowledge. Part of that knowledge is that WE ARE ALL THE SAME INTERNALLY! We are here to learn compassion and understanding for others that are also suffering regardless of what we see on the outer shell of their soul. One of the choices a soul makes before incarnating is to choose every type of human experience possible. We choose lives as women, men, black, caucasian, gay, straight, hispanic, or a plethora of nationalities so that our souls can experience that diversity for the purpose of soul growth. You should NEVER judge or mistreat another person based on race, creed, color or sex because you have once BEEN or WILL BE that same race, creed, color or sex! In a word…KARMA!
Even though it’s difficult for me to sympathize with people that are making millions doing what they love, I do. I understand their need to stand up for equality in their industry, I just hope they will also take the time to stand up against all prejudice and the bigger picture of inequality in our country! It’s time for Hollywood to take the opportunity given them to have a big microphone in front of them to fight for all of us, not just themselves!
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