by Pamela Beaty | Nov 30, 2015 | Entertainment, Life Stories
Listener Jeff Podcast # 4 Listener Jeff is back asking Pamela the difficult Universal questions. Pamela channels different energetic beings that have the answers to those questions. On today’s episode the beings answered these questions: 1. Do other...
by Pamela Beaty | Nov 30, 2015 | Entertainment, Trending Stories
Among the victims was Garrett Swasey, a University of Colorado-Colorado Springs police officer who rushed to the clinic to offer his assistance. “There was no way any of us could have kept him here,” UCCS Police Chief Brian McPike said of Swasey during a...
by Pamela Beaty | Nov 7, 2015 | Entertainment
I am amazed in this day and age that people have any doubt that we are NOT alone in the Universe. I have been privileged to speak telepathically to these beings that visit our planet, and I can tell you that for the most part they are loving, caring, helpful beings...
by Pamela Beaty | Sep 19, 2015 | Entertainment
From the director of Chicago and the producer of Wicked comes a modern twist on the beloved fairy tales you thought you knew. Meryl Streep stars in this epic musical saga about daring to venture Into The Woods. Iconic characters, such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding...
by Pamela Beaty | Aug 26, 2015 | Entertainment
“The Gift,” a psychological thriller starring Jason Bateman, Joel Edgerton and Rebecca Hall Source: The Gift – Official Movie Site – AUTOTRAILER – In Theaters This Summer
by Pamela Beaty | Aug 20, 2015 | Entertainment
English mathematician and logician, Alan Turing, helps crack the Enigma code during World War II. In Theaters November 21st. Source: The Imitation Game SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE: This movie is a gold mine for insight, growth opportunity, emotional release,...
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