Yesterday was a wonderful day for me. Not only did I reach a goal that I have had for several years now but I also had a couple of friends come over to do some channeling. As we started talking about our intentions for the day, one of the ladies was talking about the difficult times she’s been going through lately and that she wanted to get some answers to help her understand what was going on in her life. She’d been having really bad days. Without notice, a spirit came to speak to her. During his diatribe of spiritual truth he told her that “bad days are purposeful”. Through God’s eyes, bad days are a benefit. They give you an opportunity for awareness of your internal truth. Your subconscious mind gets an opportunity to release negative emotions because of bad days. He said we should embrace the bad days, to rejoice in them and celebrate the release of old wounds. Like I’ve always said, “Pain is an opportunity”.
Even though I had previous realization and understanding of how bad days and events are do-overs from childhood or past lives, just hearing it expressed in this manner was enlightening. When we are going through tough times we have a tendency to judge ourselves. We believe that something must be wrong with us if we are suffering. When the truth is, those tough times are only because we have had tough times before and our souls are in need to finally get rid of the pain. We re-create scenarios in our lives that cause us pain so that we have an opportunity to release not only THIS scenario of hurt, but all past scenarios of hurt. The unrealistic belief that everyday is supposed to be filled with joy causes humans to hate themselves and judge themselves for not being perfect. Bad days are opportunities to pay attention to your life so that you can discover why your life continues to be f’d up! The cycle of crazy will continue until you take the time to discover what your “bad days” are trying to tell you.
Next time you have a bad day, celebrate it instead of swim in it. Cry, cry, cry and then dance and laugh with celebration that you are releasing an old wound. Rejoice that your inner child is finally getting an opportunity to get rid of hurt. Remember you incarnate for one reason and one reason only…emotional knowledge. Until you “get” that emotional knowledge you will continue to manifest opportunities to get it !
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