English mathematician and logician, Alan Turing, helps crack the Enigma code during World War II. In Theaters November 21st.
Source: The Imitation Game
SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE: This movie is a gold mine for insight, growth opportunity, emotional release, and awareness for group consciousness. Alan Turings life was beyond inspirational. It clearly shows how your own inner belief in yourself can overcome anything. It will inspire you to never want to give up on your dreams. While watching this glorious movie, my cellular memory reacted to his struggle of being different. Because of my innate abilities to speak to those spirits on the other side, I had felt like an outcast for many years. I was laughed at as well as punished for saying that I spoke to people who were dead. My family wanted to put me in a mental hospital because I told them that I was speaking to my dead mother right after she passed away. I felt like an outsider within my own childhood home. So, I understood the emotion of feeling alone and misunderstood. There were several scenes where watching him experience pain from being unique, triggered and then released some of my own pain. If you really pay attention during this movie you will notice your own heart and stomach react to his pain. This isn’t just because you are feeling compassion for what he went through but also it is triggering your own fears and cellular memories of being different. This movie will trigger those deeply buried emotions of feeling alone, abandoned, and socially inept. It will trigger those unresolved emotions about your desire to fit in with the rest of the world, and the need to feel normal. My heart broke while watching the difficulty this brilliant man had with acceptance. I believe we have all experienced a time or a scenario where we felt forsaken by others, this film will give you an opportunity to look back on that time and release the unresolved emotions of that scenario.
As far as group consciousness opportunity, this movie clearly shows how completely, totally inconsequential it is suppose to be to our society that we know how or who someone has sex with. Alan was an accomplished code breaker who saved the lives of thousands of people and ended the war with Germany, who just happened to be gay. I realize that gay activists are upset with the film makers for not showing his gay lifestyle but for me personally I thought it fitting if we ever hope to change the way certain heterosexuals change their perspective on the gay lifestyle. The film focused on his life’s accomplishments and not his sex life. His sex life had absolutely no more to do with his triumphs, than it has with the accomplishments of heterosexual President Barack Obama. I pray someday that our sexual orientation will have absolutely nothing to do with our perception by others.
“The Imitation Game” is an opportunity for the world to see how repulsive it is to punish someone for their sexual orientation. My hope is that this beautiful movie will change opinions of those that judge someone for being gay. I hope it will make them realize that their archaic belief that God is somehow against those that have sex with the same sex. God would never judge you for who you love, only people do that!
This movie is a luscious, well-acted, well written, well directed work of art. GO SEE IT !!! If there is a movie that deserves 4 mystic pigs, it’s “The Imitation Game”.
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