I usually write my blogs based on the things I’ve learned or experienced through my sessions. Spirit will often have some great advice for me to give people about their lives. But I feel it’s also important to include my own personal experiences in my writings. I have recently experienced some major opportunity for growth through my Akashic journey, so I wanted to share the information with you.
I have been asking spirit to please show me whatever it is that is holding me back from achieving complete and total release of karma and also to become the person I truly came here to be. My definite goal is to make this lifetime my last go round so my soul chose to incarnate with the life path number “1” which indicates that I want this to be my last go around on the Earth plane.
The other night I was taking yet another glorious Akashic journey when my friend that was working with me recognized one of my spirit guides. Little did he know that this was a guide that I had communicated with since I was a child. However, it had been a very long time since this spirit had shown himself to me. I had spent the last several years not being able to hear or see him. No matter what I tried I couldn’t seem to reach him for help and advice.
Once he showed up to my friend, I was able to ask him to please tell me why he had not appeared or spoken to me for several years. I was fearful that it was because I had somehow gotten so far off my path that he decided to walk away from me. I was unfairly and without cause judging myself harshly because he had disappeared. Sometimes when I was in sessions he would show up in the readings but it was because he was manifesting to help my clients. I would feel his presence but not see him. It was seriously causing me harm and a great deal of sadness. My judgement was as always, unjustified.
I asked my friend to ask my old friend why it was he had abandoned me. It was causing me such intense grief, so I needed to know. His explanation was not only an incredible relief but also made so much sense. Keep in mind I still did not see him when my friend did, but I did feel his loving energy. He told my friend that the reason he had not appeared to me for years was because if he had of done that, I would have simply left my body and died. In all my incarnations, he had been the soul that came to “get” me from the earth when I died. Because of me desperately wanting to go home to the other side, he was aware that if he had shown up, I would have simply walked away from my body in order to join him. I would have died. He knew it wasn’t time for me to leave yet so he would not appear to me because my soul was set on automatic pilot to walk away whenever he showed up.
You cannot even imagine the relief that flowed into every cell of my being knowing this information. I had wrongly been judging myself for years because I thought he left. He was without a doubt the closest friend I ever had. He had appeared to me since as far back as I can remember, which was seven years old. I had not been able to communicate with him for over ten to fifteen years. I can’t remember the last time he showed himself to me. It was not only a glorious reunion for me, but also I believe his appearance will stop the automatic pilot reaction of me leaving. I know that it is not quite time for me to leave even though I would love to go home. I know I have to be here for a bit longer. His appearance would have just been too much of a temptation to relieve my home sickness.
While he was here I also asked him if there was any other information he could give me that would help me to achieve my life’s purpose. He told me that I was so concerned about achieving every thing my soul had incarnated to do, that I was stressing myself out. The stress was so overwhelming I wasn’t actually getting anything done. I was almost debilitated by my fears of not getting my work done and having to return to a physical body once I died. UGH! That thinking caused the opposite result of what I actually wanted.
I asked my friend how I could overcome that fear and be productive in my life. He told me to let go of the fear of completing my karma with the earth and just act on inspiration only. Each day is about waking up and being inspired to do things. If I woke up wanting to work on my children’s book, or write a blog post, write on my new book or work on one of my online classes, I needed to be inspired to do it. He shared with me that I needed to not work as hard as I had worked my whole life. He told me that was no longer necessary because of my vibration and the fifth dimension transition. Life is suppose to be easier and the universe is working with me to create whatever I need from money to material possessions to the people I needed to get projects completed.
So, that’s what I’m doing. I’m letting the idea of hard work go and instead live my life through inspiration. I trust my inspiration now instead of plotting, planning and working hard to accomplish goals. I’m allowing the universe to send me what I need without my having to be responsible for everything. Some days I am inspired to lay in bed and shut down and do absolutely nothing but watch movies all day. Some days I write, some days I clean and organize, some days I work like a maniac on projects, but I trust my intuition and inspiration to guide me as to which one to work on.
I wanted to share this story for two reasons. One is because that is not just advice for me. It will work for everyone. Don’t worry so much about your accomplishments, instead be inspired every day to do what you have to get done. Plan your day on what you intuitively are guided to do, ask your guides and the universe to guide you toward your work for that day. And if you are guided to not do anything, trust that. I realize if you are not self-employed you still have to get stuff done when they are due, but trust your intuition to the manner in which you get it done.
The second reason is because I am not the only one that feels a disconnect with their guides. It will often feel like we are alone in this big ole earth experience but we never are. Our invisible friends are always there, we just are either not listening or like in my case they are somehow protecting us from ourselves by NOT showing up. We just need to listen more closely and trust our own intuition to connect with them. Spirit will often use the existence of material things to give us information. They’ve shown me answers to my questions through billboards, tv shows or even commercials. The answers are there, you just really need to be paying attention to get them.
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