For some time now I have been getting messages from my spirit guides that they wanted me to do more automatic writing. I have promised them that I will once again start channeling information from them on a regular basis. I often do this on my podcast with Listener Jeff but now they have told me I need to do it on a daily basis. So, here is the first message I received.
February 9, 2016 – Channeling
Blessings to you little one. We have wondered when you were finally going to call on us on a regular basis. We so enjoy speaking with you whenever you take the time to visit. This is a message that we ask that you pass on to other interested spiritual beings on your plane of existence. They must always take the time to visit. You do it with automatic writing, but it can be done by simply sitting quietly, closing your eyes, smiling and proclaiming, “I am God.” Smiling opens the door in your heart so love can come flying out. Proclaiming I am God helps your soul remember who you are. You never need to go outside yourself to get in touch with God, Archangel Michael, Saint Germaine or any of the other beings that have achieved any type of Earth plane notoriety. Your connection to them is within. Your connection with oneness is within. Do not get us wrong we really enjoy connecting with your spirit as well as all the others on Earth, but we do not want any of you to think that you cannot connect with God in a direct way. You do not need us for that.
Some of you have personal connections to those divine beings that come to help those on the Earth. You may feel a strong need to connect with an individual such as Archangel Michael because you have spent much time with that spirit when you’re not in a body. Every spirit on your plane of existence has the ability to connect directly with God. Every spirit has the ability to connect with their higher consciousness but they don’t take time out of their worrisome day to do it. Look at you, for example. Connecting with the divine is easy for you but you know for a fact that you do not do it enough. You have spent a great deal of your life connecting with spirit but lately it is usually only when you are in session with your clients. You also need to take the time out of everyday to download love and information from the other side.
Unlike many others that channel, you do not call upon any particular being for answers, you just trust and have faith that the being that has the correct information for you will come. You also need not concern yourself with connecting with a low vibrational being because after living as long as you have, and communicating with those on the other side as much as you have, you can tell the difference between positive and negative spirits. You really have no excuse for not connecting on a more regular basis. It is easy for you. You now realize that because of the energy of the Earth plane at this time, it is important for you to connect more often. We are thrilled to have you back in regular communication with us.
Connecting with spirit is as necessary to your health as brushing your teeth, working out, or eating healthy. Communicating with those of us that have a greater understanding of your Earth plane and how it operates will give those beings on Earth knowledge that will help them change their lives. Humans have a tendency to face challenges without using the best tool in their arsenal, their higher consciousness or spirit guides. It doesn’t matter whether they are suffering or joyous, they need to take time every day to sit with their own higher power. There is no excuse. If you want days to be filled with joy instead of pain, then spend time connecting with your own higher consciousness. God did not make connecting with God difficult. Mankind created the belief that it is difficult. As you have said many times, God is simple mankind is complicated.
In order to have the joy that you are missing, all you need do is spend time with the divine that lies within. Spend time with those spiritual beings that have nothing but love for you and want to help you. This habit will change your life. The habit of Facebook will not! IF you choose to spend only five minutes per day in pondering who you really are, your entire life will change. If you do nothing more in those five minutes than to say out loud, with a smile on your face, “ I love me”, you will manifest into your life joyous situations and like-minded happy people. Life will become peaceful, and with less stress. Isn’t a joyful, pain-free life worth the five minutes?
Spend time in silence. Spend time thinking about those things you want, not waste time worrying about the things you don’t. Life will be filled with reasons for gratitude instead of filled with events and people that make you miserable. Spend time communicating also with those beings that can help you determine the choices that are best for you. Spending time in silence will give the consciousness the opportunity to HEAR what spirit guides are saying. How do you expect your guides to find the time & space to communicate, when you never give them the time of day?
By spending time with your spirit and spirit guides, you open the door for not only your own happiness but also the opportunity for happiness for others. Your peaceful energy will infiltrate the negativity of others instead of the other way around.
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