On Christmas day I saw the new movie “JOY” starring Jennifer Lawrence. Joy is based on the true story of a QVC female inventor, Joy Mangano, who created a multi-million dollar empire starting with her first invention, the Miracle Mop. I had no preconceived notions about this movie so I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed it.
I could nit-pic this movie, like other critics, by criticizing the characters, the story and bits of dialogue but I won’t because I want to point out the opportunities for spiritual growth instead Joy is a stand out because it is a movie about a strong woman that refuses to let others opinions stand in her way of success. I strongly encourage anyone looking to spark his or her creativity to rush to the theater to see this film.
Joy artfully shows how old emotional wounds, or insecurities can obstruct career goals. It clearly brings to light how family, friends, and even outsiders can destroy your self-esteem and cause you to give up on your ideas. The story shows how challenges in life sabotage talent. If you have buried your hopes and dreams simply because bills need to be paid, Joy will once again awaken that creative spark.
Joy also expertly shows how low self-esteem can cause a person to erroneously listen to the advice of others instead of trusting their own instincts. The movie shows how cruel words can debilitate the spirit of a woman, especially when they come from her father. Joy’s father (Robert DeNiro) almost quashes her ambitions when he tells his girlfriend that he’s to blame for Joy’s failure because he encouraged her to believe she could do anything. The story takes place in the 90’s but that chauvinistic attitude is more prevalent than one would hope in the year 2015. A father’s cruel words can cripple a young woman’s spirit causing her to lose all confidence in her abilities.
Joy came out at the perfect space and time because the year 2015 was energetically designated as the year to release old negative cellular memory, and the year 2016 is meant to bring about major positive changes for those on the Earth plane. Perfect timing!
Go see Joy with the soul intention to be inspired. Joy’s determination and unyielding intestinal fortitude will inspire you to never give up, never give in and never stop chasing the creative truth within.
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